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Thank you for 10 years of support

Jock Busuttil takes a selfie with the audience at ProductCamp L'viv in Ukraine in 2018

Just a quick post to say that Product People Limited is 10 years old today. And I’m proud of it :-)

I started freelancing as a head of product back when it was barely a thing. In fact, I gave myself 6 months to see if I could make it work. Within a month or so SwiftServe (now part of Conversant) became Product People’s first client, and I’ve not looked back since.

Over the years I’ve been involved with an ambitious charitable project in Rwanda with the NIKE Foundation, shown up briefly in the background of BBC News 24’s live broadcast, co-wrote Mind The Product’s first-ever training course, been a small part of UK government’s digital revolution, and published a book. I’m looking forward to the adventures the next 10 years will bring. Thank you for helping me to reach this anniversary.


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