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PRODUCTHEAD: Have you been having visions?

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PRODUCTHEAD is a regular newsletter of product management goodness,
curated by Jock Busuttil.

(nice product)


The vision describes the future we are trying to create

It is a first filter for new ideas and change requests

Mission, vision and other concepts are often confused with each other

Have one overarching product vision, not lots of smaller ones


I gave a talk recently about saving yourself from product management hell.

For me, hell is being a product manager in a directionless organisation that lacks clarity of vision. When there’s no clearly defined destination, nobody can objectively assess the worth of a possible strategy because nobody can tell whether it would lead them in the right direction.

And where there’s ambiguity, there’s interpretation. Suddenly everyone in the organisation has their own take on what they’re trying to achieve and how to achieve it. It makes it tremendously difficult to pick the right things to do next.

A corporate vision should describe clearly, succinctly and memorably the change we’re trying to effect in people’s lives. It should be something that matters, something that will motivate people to get up in the morning and work hard to achieve.

It’s going to be something like “eradicate malaria” (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), not “we want to achieve 73% market share”.

This week, I’ve pulled together some content to get you thinking about your corporate and product visions.

Speak to you soon,


what to think about this week

Vision vs. Strategy

The product vision describes the future we are trying to create. It’s primary purpose is to communicate this vision and inspire the teams (and investors and partners) to want to help make this vision a reality.

Stubborn on the vision, flexible on the details


8 Tips for Creating a Compelling Product Vision

Creating and managing a successful product requires a lot of time and energy. In order to be fully committed, you have to be convinced that what you are doing is right and have a clear vision of where to take your product.

Think big and inspire


Oh no!

You’ve missed my Product Management Masterclass! The four sessions in the series ran live each Tuesday in October.

They were:

What Does a Product Manager Do (And Not Do)?
Understanding User Needs
The Secrets of Meaningful Product Roadmaps
Landing and Starting Your Product Manager Job

But all is not lost.

If you’d like me to run the sessions again, just reply back to this email to register your interest, and I’ll let you know when I’m running them again.

Product Vision, Strategy, Roadmap

Product organizations often discuss needing a (new) product vision or strategy, or will talk about what is on their roadmap. However, what is sometimes lost in these discussions is the unfortunate fact that none of these terms have clear definitions, and in fact some people call different concepts by the same names and the same concepts by different names.

Your vision gives you purpose


Product Vision FAQ

I thought it would be useful to gather together an FAQ related to product vision in the hopes that we can help clear up some of these very common confusions.

Common questions about vision


recent posts

Saving yourself from product management hell

In my talk I show you how to get yourself out of product management hell. (Hint: it’s all about having a good product strategy.)

Find your ‘get of out of hell free’ cards here


Open, honest and always improving

In government, product is borne out of transparency, quite a lot of cake and a fanatical desire to serve the needs of users.

In this recent video for ProdPad’s webinar series, I talk about the acute challenges of culture clash. You’ll also discover what can be achieved by highly motivated, principled and capable people when they set an example for the rest of an organisation – or the entire Civil Service – to follow.

Product management with revenue out of the picture


Growing together: developing and retaining your product team

34% of product managers surveyed said they left their previous role because there were no opportunities to grow.

In this video, Lucie McLean (Zalando) discusses growth and career progression for product managers with Jock Busuttil (Product People Limited) and Daniil Pavliuchkov (Tier).

Team coaching and career paths


Misunderstood metaphors: Product manager as conductor

Product managers are sometimes referred to as the conductor of the orchestra. Some people think that the conductor’s job is to direct the players, to lead them through the music. That would be to misunderstand the relationship. Instead, here’s a different take.

Conductors don’t tell the players what to do


can we help you?

Product People is a product management services company. We can help you through consultancy, training and coaching. Just contact us if you need our help!

Helping people build better products, more successfully, since 2012.

PRODUCTHEAD is a newsletter for product people of all varieties, and is lovingly crafted from anachronistic future technology.

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