» Scientists have solved a problem preventing the commercial production of more efficient solar panels

» Solar generated electricity is now cheaper than fossil fuels

» Tesla’s South Australia battery farm is saving tens of millions of dollars

» South Australia spent an hour powered solely by solar, 77% of which came from consumers’ home panels

» The cost of US battery farm projects has dropped 70% in 3 years

» Tesla’s battery innovations would result in cost dropping by half, capacity increasing by half

» The convergence of green technologies would lead to explosive growth

I’m still hunting for a replacement firewall server and some low-power desktop machines, without necessarily compromising on performance. Mind you, I’m looking for a Linux-based firewall, not a gaming machine, so ‘performance’ may be overstating things. A quick hunt on the internet later and I’m amazed by how quickly the micro PC market is continuing to evolve. I thought I’d share with you a couple of the most desirable green machines I’ve found so far.

Earlier this month, I was attempting to appease my wife by reducing my server’s power consumption physical footprint. In this follow-up, I’ll give you an update on how I got on and pass on a few tips if you’re planning to do the same.
Normal I Manage Products service will be resumed in the next article!

Every now and again, I undertake a DIY tech project. I think it’s because I’m a geek at heart and I like to think to myself a little smugly, “still got it”. This time the brief actually came from my lovely wife: shrink the physical footprint and electricity consumption of the servers running 24/7 in the home office. The beige boxes are going green!