Article archives

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  • Questions you need to be asking

    Questions you need to be asking

    There are many questions you need to be asking to determine the best course of action or to analyse underlying motivations. Of them, I use the following three questions most often: 1. So what? 2. Why? 3. What’s stopping us?

  • Pay attention to local requirements

    Pay attention to local requirements

    If you want to succeed in global markets with a ‘one size fits all’ approach, you may want to reconsider that strategy. Pay as much attention, if not more, to getting the local details right.

  • By way of an introduction

    Why write a blog? Up until recently if someone had suggested that I start writing a blog I would most likely have unfurled my ‘To Do’ list with a flourish, watched the unrolling end bounce off the floor and gestured vaguely into the distance. So what’s changed?